Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Winging it...

That's how it feels a lot of the time, that i am just Winging It here. I feel as though i don't really have a qualfication that will allow me to do specific work here, and so i am really looking forward to going to Uni and gaining knowledge in coaching and general sports info...

However, God is good always and in the past three days we have had a great opportunity to travel down to two youth groups, this is the Youth Team. We were invited to do promotions. They both went really well and i really, really enjoyed them. The second one we did was more of a get-to-know-you-before-the-main-event in a couple of weeks. I think that the kids really warmed up to us. They have seen us and know who we are and so when they come down to where we are and we ask them to climb a wall or get in a kayak, they can trust us a bit more. There was this one kid there who learns arabic every sautrday and has travelled to Egypt about three times for holiday purposes. His dad is Sudanese. Some of the youth helpers there didn't know that, but he came up to me and told me right after i had shared a little about my life and my time here this year.
I realy enjoyed be able to talk to the kids and tell them a bit about myself and what i have learnt about prayer.

Praise the Lord guys, He is so good. Every week i travel for about an hour or so with my team leader who is such a source of knowledge, that i can just ask him anything, and he will have a good thought about it, and will be able to explain it, and just talk about it with me. Thank you God for his experiences... It is sooo cool, and refreshing, just to have someone to ask things to, someone who is here and i can hold a face to face conversation with. Thank you Father...


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