Tuesday, April 17, 2007


To put it simply, it was an amazing trip. However, it would have been even better if there had been more males. Out of the twelve that went to France, there was only two males and one of them (not being me) was married…
Anyway, the fact that I was the only single guy there did not make it an amazing trip…
Lille was an absolutely beautiful city. I thought that it was amazing as soon as I laid eyes on it.
However, what really made this trip a really great time, was the fact that I was out of my normal surroundings and therefore subconsciously, I think, was in a way more open to God’s peace and word. Some of my thoughts were put into place. Words were put to my thoughts in a way that I couldn’t have done. Certain things that need to be thought about a bit more, and other things that just need to be put down for the time being…

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Please pray for me, i find it hard to know how to act around some people. please pray that God will help me and give me the wisdom on how to be a witness for Him and not screw it up every five seconds. To think about Him more than just in the mornings and maybe sometimes in the evenings. But to be totally devoted to serving Him, who died for ME and loves ME with this unconditional love that we as a human race will never be able to understand while on earth, as we are too simple.
How increadible. I am too simple to understand the person/thing/GOD that loves me the most. i mean what a thought...

But yeah please pray for me because i am very capable of screwing things up big time, esp friendships

Thank you for your prayers...
Take care

Old love...

today i was talking, well more like listening, to this couple who will have been married for 60 years on thrusday. one of my room mates asked them, 'so how do you get 60 years of marriage?'
The man answered 'four words two at the beginning and then two for the rest of the time; 'i will' and 'yes dear''
What an answer... they both then went on to say there has to be loyalty and trust, and also humour. that is what they said in about 1 minute, and then they left, but i mean there is a lot more to keep it going, but that is what they said and i know that, that was jsut scratchin the surface...

Someone, and they know who they are, always used to say that they loved to see old people in love. I would always think, never out loud, that it was just not too attractive to me. But today after spending a bit of time with this couple, i can see the beauty in old love. There was something special about them, they still had the spark between them. It is something that i think you cannot, or at least i cannot put it into words. There are only a few things in this world that you cannot put into words. This is one of them, the love, the connection, the something between two people who are truelly in love, and i don't mean lovy dovy stuff, but the really stuff.
God is another thing you cannot put into words. We are celebrating his resurrection today. But think about it for a moment, whose resurrection and why did He have to be resurrected. it was for YOU.
Take care

Its been a while...

It has hasn't it? The reason is not because i don't like you, and so i don't want to tell you what has been happening, but because, well i have been so busy that i had not see my computer for about a week. Now that is saying a lot. We had a camp here of about 48 people for a week. The camp was amazing. The theme was Peter Pan, don't ask why, that would be just silly (i don't really know myself, all i know is that it was and therefore i went along with it).
I was in charge of a specific group for the week, my group was the Lost Boys, and form the name you can see in which position we came in, yeah joint last with the crocodiles. Half way through the week the leaders that had come with the group decided to join the two groups and called us the Lost Crocs. The other two teams weren't too impressed, The indians came first with the Pirates close behind.
It was a race for the week. they had to save the four lost boys that had been captured by Hook and taken to his secret hide out. But first they had to get the fairy dust from down a cave, to stop Hook from getting it and then flying. They also had to get directions for different places by completing tasks such as climbing, jumping into a pool (walking the plank wit condifence) and then walking all over an area of Wales called the Gower. it was great fun, and extremely tiring. the second to last day we walked pretty much all night and so for the next two days i was going on 8 hrs of sleep. but it was worth it.

Now that it has finished, i am getting ready to go to France for three days to gain some Pastoral Training. This is something i see vital for helping Christians grow in their faith, not only when they take gap years but throughout their life, now it may have a different name such as small group, or mentor and it may also look a lot different. However it is the essence which is the same. It is the initial consern for a fellow Christian and wanting to see them grow. i know that i got a far share during my time in Egypt, esp from a guy who first came as a youth interen and then, well saw jsut how bad in shape i was and then came back to put my in line... no just kidding, but he did come back and was the assosciate youth pastor.
Please pray for the trip to France and that i get a lot out of it and can then use what i learn in the future...
Take care