Sunday, April 08, 2007


Please pray for me, i find it hard to know how to act around some people. please pray that God will help me and give me the wisdom on how to be a witness for Him and not screw it up every five seconds. To think about Him more than just in the mornings and maybe sometimes in the evenings. But to be totally devoted to serving Him, who died for ME and loves ME with this unconditional love that we as a human race will never be able to understand while on earth, as we are too simple.
How increadible. I am too simple to understand the person/thing/GOD that loves me the most. i mean what a thought...

But yeah please pray for me because i am very capable of screwing things up big time, esp friendships

Thank you for your prayers...
Take care


Faraz said...

where have you been man..
at least write an email or 2 once in a while

... said...

See what i mean... could it be better shown than this? i didn't pay him....