Saturday, February 24, 2007

Thoughts ah, head growing, not fitting, exploding...

No, not really, just kidding. Thought that i would over exaggerated it
a lot. The other day someone said to me that they do not see me staying
on here for another year. This got me thinking, why not? I went away
that evening thinking about it, and i came to the conclusion that i
could not stay on here for another year, because in effect i am not
doing all the things that my heart loves doing. I haven't played
football since before Christmas, and that is something that i love, and
i mean with a passion. I have always looked to the future and wondered
what it will bring, and a lot of the time it has frustrated me cos i
wont know unless God shows me a glimpse or i get there... But when i
this person what they meant, they said to me that it was because from
the beginning of the year, i have been sort of uneasy (now this is me
trying to remember what they said and then try to get it out in
writing... forgive me), in a way unsure of what i was doing here, the
same way they felt about going to University and in the end not going.
It made a lot of sense to me then, and now i am not sure that i am
making any sense... but that maybe this was a transitional period of
what i had been doing or more of what i knew before and the unknown
that was to come.
Some of the people here(where i am) have my blog
and may be thinking this strange of what-have-you, but well for one
thing, i will be trying to play football for a club from the area in
which i live, and i would tell you the club name, but i can't spell it
cos it is WELSH... but also at the same time, i am not thinking what am
i doing here (anymore) am i supposed to be here, but more of 'ok, i am here, what does God want to show me, who does God want me to meet, what can i learn...'
you all for your prayers and you care, i am looking forward to seeing
all of you who are not here with me now, very soon, God willing, (EnShaala)
Take care

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ok with this post i need some feedback, more feedback than normal... I want to pose a question about prayer "Do you understand prayer?"... I don't... We are told that it is the greatest weapon against the devil, and yet we struggle to understand our greatest strength... I see that as a strategic move by Satan. He has fodged up our view and understanding of prayer, so that we do not use it to its full potential.
Right, lets jsut break it down, what do we know about prayer? It is a conversation between 'me' and the God, WHO? the Creator of the Universe, the One who keeps my heart beating and my lungs breathing, without it either of those things passing through the intricate series of nerve to my brain, to say pump and breath.
What does a conversation invovle? Talking, Listening, Talking, Listening, Laughing, enjoying yourself (possibly, some conversation i know that i could do without... ), so it is TWO WAY. Not just me talking. well the not talking for me is not too hard, but the focused on God is silence, well that is just taking it to the next level, and you may still just find me staring blankly into space...
Next thing we know, (i say we cos i want to know what you think)... Prayer is a powerful thing. There is prayer for healing and for taking demons out. But then the thing that gets me is, why does it not always work? I have never tried to cast out a demon, and i have never really prayed for healing for someone because i am scared that it will not work. I have never seen a miraculous healing. I have prayed with a big group about two different people at different times, both in the past year, and both of them have been healed, but in both cases i did not see a difference straight away. Maybe others who were closer to the two people did, but i didn't.
Having said all of this however, last night, which was between this paragraph and everything else i have written, i was at a youth concert at the church that i go to and i have had a really bad stomach and all that goes with it, but i said to God, well i would really like not to have to rush off halfway through the night and then also on my walk home (which is about 40mins). and well although i did run off after the concert and then once i got home, i haven't been since... which in a way just adds to the confusion.
I really just don't understand it very much, and one thing that i really struggle with is praying in groups. Why talk out loud to God, who you can;t see, in front of other people. I know we need to be doing it because we are commanded to, but i still struggle with it a big. i would much rather pray by myself, most of the time. However there are times when praying with a friend is really good and i really enjoy it.
Well what do you guys think?
Take care

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Scotland 2007 pictures...

Me and Joel

Nick (the leader) and me

Sarah killing the ice...

We climbed there...

Ben Nevis...

At the top of Ben Nevis...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh what a rush...

Well we are back from Scotland, all in one piece. It has been a crazy hard week, everyday waking up early, and then setting off to walk or climb a side of a mountain, in the snow and cold. But truth be told, we had amazing weather. On wednesday the skies cleared and, oh boy oh boy oh boy, what a view... I would love to have shown you what i saw that day but i lost my camera film while going up Ben Nevis, which is the highest mountain in Britain, so you will have to make do with what other people saw, which is pretty much the same as me:)...
A few facts of the week for you:
-My beard froze three days out of the Five
-For a few moments i was the tallest person in all of Britain
-It was cold
-There was a lot of snow
-I had fun and probably do it again, but only after a while, so that i forget the pain in my legs...
The community that we had was just really cool. I feel that we are got that much closer while on the trip.
On the personal development side, one thing i was thinking of was that we have all been created individually, by that i mean that we are all different and that is what we are supposed to be. I many situations where i have found myself in a bit of a stux, i have also found myself thinking what someone i respect would do in that situation. But as i walked through the snow, making my own tracks instead of following behind with the others, i realised that i was being an individual and that i was being different and that God made me like that and that He delights in us when we are ourselves...
Well pictures will follow....
Take care

Friday, February 02, 2007

Craziness has happened at last...

Hello, this is a really short post and a really quick one, but none the less an important one. Please pray for me for the next two weeks.
On Sunday i leave for a Scotland Winter Mountaineering training course for a week, which will be intense. please pray that i will have a great time and we will all get on with each other and learn a lot but also just be able to give glory to God for His great creation.
Then once i get back we have a youth camp for a week during the half term, with local kids who have been kids out of the schools. Please pray that it goes well, esp the organisation and that we are able to get through to the kids and that i will just be a witness to them.
Once that is finished, well actually before that is finished i have a student weekend that i still need to finalise plans and get everything sorted for it. Please pray that it goes smoothly and that in all i have a good time.
Thanks for your support...
Take care